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Dogs Purposie Really Funny Family Movies 2017

A Dog's Purpose (2017) Poster

10 /10

Surprised by the low rating- it was an excellent movie

Let me state up front that compared to "other movies" this movie is not a 10 but for what I expected it to be -a kid friendly, fun-loving movie that is relatively straightforward- it gets a 10. My 8 yr old son and 10 yr old daughter loved it, and so did I. It was sweet and heartfelt.

I cried each time the dog became another dog, and I don't think I am that sensitive.

In fact, this movie reminds me a bit of look who's talking, in the mind of a baby but in this movie, in the mind of a dog. It may feel realistic for some and not for others but who cares, it is a movie to make you smile and it is definitely not reality.

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10 /10

One of the most heartfelt movies I've ever seen

A Dog's Purpose is an awesome movie about a dog's love for their human. The movie literally portrays so many different ways that dogs are treated. A Dog's Purpose did an amazing job at building up raw emotion in a short amount of time. Very similar to the way we felt in Marley and Me. It is an absolute shame that this movie will be swept under the rug by many people because they believe everything they read on the internet. The videos show that "Hercules", the dog in the scene that went viral, was apparently being forced into the water. Hercules was chosen to do this scene because of his affinity to water. He was trained to jump in on the opposite side of the pool to what was shown in the video. After the trainer tried to calm him by letting him test out the water and the dog still was spooked, they stopped attempting the scene from that side. There were multiple people in the water if something happened. There was even a diver constantly under the dog at all times. However, PETA and every news organization does not want to report this because they just hop on a hot topic without any research. I have 7 dogs, 4 are rescues, and I used to work at a veterinary clinic, so I have seen so many cases of abuse and a dog getting wet is not a form of abuse. The movie builds a human's love for their dog, and it really portrays how a dog is truly a man's best friend. If this movie wasn't boycotted, I honestly feel like it could have led to many people adopting dogs from shelters so they can feel the same love that us dog owners have.

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10 /10

great heartwarming film

those who have read this book will not be disappointed, as always the book is still better than the movie, but for a movie based on a great book, they did a really good job. the story is heartwarming, and has a few tearful moments, but all in all, it was a happy ending. as someone who almost always cries at the sad movies, i give this a 3 tissue warning. i truly enjoyed this book, and all W. Bruce Cameron's books, and the idea of making a movie from such a great book is always troubling, but the process here was well done. the actors representing the characters did a great job of embodying the personalities, and no one can complain about Josh Gad voicing the many lives of the dog. bravo to the producers and the director for doing such a good job with the story,

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Amazing Movie

Despite what TMZ and PETA have lied about. This is an amazing movie. I saw an early screening of it on January 18th and it is one of the best movies I've ever seen. I for one do not believe everything I see on the internet, therefore I had no reason to believe the video that "supposedly" showed animal abuse. Footage is very easily manipulated. People need to learn that. This movie is absolutely incredible, the story is amazing, and it made me cry at least five times. Overall I recommend the movie, and I recommend you not believe everything you see online. I had a great time watching this movie, I truly enjoyed it, I even plan to see it again when it is officially out.

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7 /10

Good family movie, don't believe the lies

This was a tear jerking, laugh inducing, emotional roller-coaster of a solid family flick.

While it isn't quite Marley & Me, it was as close as you can get. The acting was adequate and the writing may be forgettable but the love between of Man's Best Friend and the many characters in this film is palpable.

I was hesitant to spend money on this film after hearing the negative animal abuse allegations against it, but I found them to be false. Apparently TMZ made it up.

So get ready for love, pain and lots of laughter that makes this a must see for every family! Just be sure to take tissues with you.

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10 /10

Great Movie!

I know, the scandal video made the movie's reputation go down drastically, but this movie is great! The dog wasn't actually harmed at all during filming, so there's nothing to worry about. The movie left me feeling happy. The movie was very enjoyable and I would recommend that you go and see it. The movie was very touching. I hope this movie does well because a lot of time and effort was put into it, and it did pay off, but the video stupid TMZ posted made people come and review this movie based on the scandal, before they had even SEEN the movie.I also recommend that especially dog lovers/animal lovers go see the movie because it's more understandable from an animal lovers/owners point of view.

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9 /10

A Dog's Purpose is a really good drama for the beginning of 2017

tavm 29 January 2017

This movie seemed up director Lasse Hallstrom's alley since he previously directed something called My Life as a Dog. This one tells of Bailey who is introed as the pet of a boy named Ethan and...well, a lot happens between that and the end and I don't want to reveal any more. I'll just now say that me and my movie theatre-working friend really enjoyed this one as we found some scenes funny and many touching. Based on the trailers, you may or may not be surprised by the revelations that happen near the end. Really, I don't want to reveal anymore, just that it's really good. So on that note, A Dog's Purpose is very much worth seeing.

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10 /10

A Dog's Purpose smear tactic

Don't believe these people that were paid off or have an agenda regarding the success or failure of this movie. TMZ and others are scum for doctoring the footage.

Go see it. The rescue animals deserve their recognition. Perhaps the dog was not used to the generated waves created by the machine. He probably enjoys swimming and jumping in pools of water. The handlers may have not been patient enough or understanding what the director was trying to accomplish. I'm certain that if you saw the tape of the dog after the scene was filmed, he was thrilled to be participating in the water scene. Did you happen to watch Kevin Costner's Wyatt Earp where there tossed the dog into a man-made river where the dog was doing everything it could to keep its head above water.

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10 /10

A Dog's Purpose

A Dog's Purpose is a fun family film for all ages to enjoy. It is full of heart that will leave you in tears. Dennis Quad was outstanding as one of the lead roles. Josh Gad was terrific as the dog it was not as good as his role as Olaf, but it was so close to be as good as it. There were some spots in this movie that maybe hard for kids to understand, but besides that I think the movie is fine. The whole movie was unbelievably creative from start to finish it is truly unbelievable.

Parents like I said in lines 4 and 5 there are some spots that the little ones may not understand, but I think if you help them a little bit they will understand. A Dog's Purpose is full of moments that I think all of us wish we were able to do, but we can't this is one of those movies that the more you watch it the more you like it.


10 / 10

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7 /10

It will make you laugh and it will make you cry...

I was recommended to watch "A Dog's Purpose" as it was allegedly a very emotional and touching story. So with that in mind, I tracked down the 2017 movie and gave it a go.

Right, well I must say that I am somewhat conflicted as to what to think of the movie. On one hand it was an emotional movie, true. And yeah, it is a movie that will have the audience in tears, no doubt about that. But on the other hand, then I feel that the part of having the movie broken down into segments, with the dog returning to live different lives was sort of strange, and the two middle segments where the dog returned as a police dog and a pet to a lonely woman was fully and wholeheartedly there solely as serving as filling for the movie being able to pass as a feature length movie. These two segments served absolutely no purpose to the story, as the heart of the story was the bond and connection between the dog Bailey and its owner Ethan.

The voice over for the dog really worked quite well, because it was done rather nicely, without keeping it sappy or as a comedy aspect. It really helped bring the dog Bailey to life on the screen and gave it so much more personality and made it all the more lovable and easy to bond with the dog.

The acting in the movie was good, and it was especially K.J. Apa (playing teenaged Ethan) and Dennis Quaid (playing adult Ethan) whom carried the movie with their performances. But the dogs really stole the show, especially the two dogs that were around the Ethan characters in the various stages of his life.

"A Dog's Purpose" is definitely a family movie, and one that is quite worth taking the time to sit down and watch. Just ensure that you have to tissue within reach, because this is a tearjerker of a movie. I am rating the movie 7 out of 10 stars because this is the type of movie that hits straight to the center of the heart and stays with you.

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10 /10

Beautifully written movie of the love of dogs and humans

I've been waiting for over a year for the opening of this movie. After reading the book, which was fantastic, I heard the movie was being made. The movie had all I expected, and more. I laughed, I cried, I remembered past pets. As the title mentions, a dog's purpose, I had never really thought of that before. Each of our dogs has had a purpose. Our first rescue, he made my husband LOVE dogs. We will always be at least a "one dog household". The casting was spot on. Young Ethan, teen Ethan and Dennis Quaid, grown Ethan were all wonderful. The dogs used were entertaining, and loving on the screen. Josh Gadd's wonderful voice was the true voice of all the dog's. Thanks to the author, W. Bruce Cameron for writing such a wonderful book, and to his wife, and the woman the book was written for, for writing the screenplay! If you love dogs, animals of any kind, you would be missing out by not seeing this film. I'll be back again and again to see it!

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9 /10

Seriously, good movie underrated by mass-brainwashed people

Those who just buy whatever celebrities tell you and call yourselves intelligent people who care about social affair, justice, human and animal rights, keep telling yourselves how great you are and keep sucking on TMZ or whatever it was that brainwashed you so hard.

I never believed in mass brainwash and I come from a communist country. It is you people who gave me a hard lesson and now I do believe in it: people can just be dumb enough to believe whatever the media tell them and won't dig into the facts to objectively see things. Grow up? How old are you guys?

Again, very good movie and worth every penny to see. I wasn't gonna give it a 10 star rating but just to counterbalance the brainwashed low ratings, I just had to give it a 10 star and won't change it until this movie's rating get back on track.

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10 /10

Will make you laugh, cry and question the true purpose of life.

There are many movies that focus on a dog's world but not about what the dog is actually thinking. A Dog's Purpose does the opposite, by focusing on the dog and a dog's place in the world. This perfect story will make you laugh, cry and question the true purpose of life. The movie sets out to inspire the audience and does it by taking the main character through an emotional and long adventure filled with comedy, drama and even some romance.

The story begins with a happy puppy entering the world, ready to play and explore. Sadly for the puppy, his life doesn't last long. After passing away, the puppy is surprised to come back as a puppy again. This time in a different body. Soon, he becomes a family pet named Bailey and specifically, is a best friend to the son of the family. As time passes, the boy grows up and heads to college. Bailey passes away once again, but this time he's happy to have lived a long life with a human he loves. Bailey comes back again and again and again. Each time Bailey comes back as a different dog breed (or gender) with a different life purpose. Finally, after many lives, he realizes that his main purpose is to spend time with the people he loves and to help them in their lives as much as he can.

Only a few movies truly make me cry and, within the first 15 minutes, this became one of them. This was done not by blasting sad emotions with sad music at the viewer, but by building a real connection with the characters. The story doesn't put a smile on everything. It is realistic and very sad and depressing at times. People who own dogs, like me, will never look at their dogs the same way. They will look at them as true companions and family members.

I really enjoyed the voice-over (Josh Gad) for Bailey and his other incarnations. His voice-over work is phenomenal and suits all the dogs in the story so well. The cinematography is also spot on. It often shows specific scenes from the dog's perspective which is a genius idea and truly allows one to have a deeper connection with the character. The entire cast evokes emotion and keep a complex story entertaining.

The scene where Bailey/Ellie swim in the water is my favorite because it is an action-packed scene that is exciting but also very sad. Another reason to bring up this scene is that it is the scene that has elicited accusations of animal abuse by some animal activists. In this scene, you can clearly see the dog is not in distress. The dog is happy and greatly enjoying the activity as is the case for almost every single scene in the film. Throughout, you see things happening to the main character which would make anyone want to adopt a dog. The message of dog adoption is so strong that it makes me wonder why animal rights activists are boycotting this film when it does nothing but hurts this wonderful and inspirational story to come out and support animal adoption. A Dog's Purpose will inspire hundreds, if not thousands, to go out and adopt dogs to take care of and love.

A Dog's Purpose has some brutally sad facts about the world around us which would be too much for younger kids. There is also mild violence in several scenes, so I recommend it for ages 9 to 18. I give it 5 out of 5 stars for its beautiful message about the purpose of life, its call to action for dog adoption, spectacular voice-over work, emotional acting and unique cinematography.

Reviewed by Gerry O., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic. For more reviews by youth, visit kidsfirst dot org.

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10 /10

I don't understand the low ratings?

Yes, it's a feel good movie. That genre exists so there must be movies to satisfy that! It brings you into through a dog's many lifetimes of experience and that dogs == love. :) A Dog's Purpose is a perfect movie for the family and pet (especially dog) lovers. It's perfect for all ages and could potentially be a movie classic. It's a movie that I will definitely show my children if I ever will have one.

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10 /10

An AWESOME movie!!

Saw this movie on opening night and absolutely LOVED it! Bring your tissues but also prepare to laugh and have fun! This is a great family movie.

The message is about the bonds that humans and dogs share. Love never dies! This movie will also help with people dealing with the loss of a pet. It's not just a movie for dog lovers, but animals of all kinds!

Everything about this movie is top-notch. The acting, writing, and production value are all excellent! Dennis Quaid in particular turns in a very heartfelt performance. The movie overall is very positive and uplifting. I will be going to see this movie again!

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10 /10

Just a good. And heartwarming Story!

This is a movie where you won't see an entry in the trivia section where someone has counted up the F-bombs dropped in the film. There are none. It's a great film about those animal companions. Who help make life just that much better for those of us lucky enough to have a dog. And who allow their lives to be enriched by these wonderful creatures. There have been attempts to whip up anxiety for the dog actor that does the swimming in a river while saving a girl. That scene was heavily edited to make it appear real. But in fact most of it was filmed under closely supervised circumstances. I'm not sure why TMZ decided to do a chop job on this film. But that's what they did. There was existing footage of the making of this scene. And since the scene was completed by second unit director who had not worked with the dog. He didn't know that the dog had been trained to do the stunt from a different side of the water source. So he felt he had to use extra encouragement to get the dog into the water. But the dog wasn't hurt in any way. And there were in fact rescue swimmers there to keep the dog safe. So, with that being said. The scene in question is a great scene. And while the dog was hesitant while making the scene. He came through just fine. And there should be no anxiety amongst the public. In the end this film was a lot of fun. And had me leaving the theater feeling good about dogs in general. And thinking about all the dogs that have helped make me life just that much better. You'd have to be a fool to criticize this movie without seeing it. And once you do see it. You won't be able to criticize it.

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8 /10

It's a beautiful movie. Watch it if you have ever had a dog!

I prepared myself for this one. I really did. No matter what, I wasn't going to cry. It did take a major mental convincing every time though! But it worked. I didn't cry but I did feel a lump in my throat many times. But I didn't cry even though people were sobbing all around me. I simply focused on the bright side - the dogs! <3 I thought I would leave with a heavy heart but instead, I left with a smile on my face. :) A Dog's Purpose is a beautiful movie. It gets you loving, laughing, crying, and just to the right level, without overdoing it! Don't pay heed to the self proclaimed jury who think they can judge what happened based on an video that was released very timely. I decided to judge the movie based on what it is. And it's simple, beautiful, & true! If anyone has every had a dog, then you should watch it if you ever loved your dog. The ones we rescue, truly rescue us!

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9 /10

I'm a fully grown man, and I CRIED! TWICE!

This movie is definitely not worth the low ratings. This is my first review for IMDb after thousands of films I watched. Want to save this movie from slums. Yeah, I agreed with most, this film healed my brokenheart after the death of my pet dog. If you are a person with a heart, you will enjoy this movie. It is not cheesy.

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10 /10

A Feel good movie w/ wet eyes

The choice was Moonlight or A dogs perspective. The dog won.

Without giving spoilers, anyone who has owned a dog, and has seen his life end, and then another one, and another one, this movie will touch you. My wife told me I was not allowed to cry, well its not the first time I have not listened to her. Have your man-card stamped for showing emotion, and have your napkin ready.

Its nice to see a story with a happy ending, and a good movie period.

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10 /10

I loved this movie more than I ever imagined

I loved this movie more and more.

This movie is swirling in my head two hours after seeing it! It touched my heart, made me think and grateful I acted on a rescue. It made me remember my furry loves and hopeful I may see them again.

It made me cry and then it made me laugh. Most of all it let me forget for 100 min all the hate and negative in the world!

Go see something innocent sweet and kind st it's base level!

I took my ten year old she was the perfect she. I took my mother 85 she was the perfect age!

Bring your tissues and best friend! Make a friend while you ate there!

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8 /10

Enjoyable with an inaccurate rating.

Not the best movie I've seen but it was surprisingly good. Animal lovers will really like it. Ignore the idiots who spammed this with 1 stars. People overreacted after reading an article with a malicious narrative. Those people are morons and have tainted the rating of a rather likable film.

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9 /10

Wonderful Time At The Movies

Finally saw this today (March, 2017), and like others, enjoyed it thoroughly, and resent the extremist PETA for hurting this wonderful film about what wonderful animals most dogs are. I am 76, and found myself intermittently laughing and in tears. PETA and their fans won't rest until no animal is ever eaten, while comparing the eating of chickens to the Holocaust. Anyway, I found this to be one of the best and most enjoyable family oriented films of the last few years, and can't wait to purchase it as soon as it is available on DVD. I sincerely found it to be far better than either "Manchester By The Sea" or "Moonlight", which were lauded more for their themes than for their entertainment value in my opinion. Notice that about 75% of the reviewers here rated the film 10. Compare that to "Manchester", whose acting may be better, but not the enjoyment or emotional intensity or humor. Thank you Lasse Halstrom.

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10 /10

If You Love Your Pets - See This

This is the first movie I have gone to in several decades that I'm truly sorry I didn't bring a handkerchief or tissues. I saw this movie 1/29/17 and very glad I went to see it. This is a masterpiece in tying together emotions, best friend, lifetime regrets and heartaches, and tons of puppy love. Everyone did a masterful job of tying in together the everyday tribulations from everyone's perspective - including the dogs. This was most enjoyable movie and as Dennis Quaid stated, I saw no danger to any animal. I intend to get the DVD when it comes out. This is a wonderful movie for all ages and most highly recommended. Bring Kleenex because this film will put your feelings on an emotional roller-coaster and, its well worth it! Fantastic movie.

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7 /10

Fluff Piece

So, I am a big dog lover. I would love to pet all the fluffy (I'm biased) dogs I meet - and have pretty much done so. This movie, is good enough for any dog lover to watch, as you get plenty of puppy action. Anyone who has ever had a dog or just like dogs in general, will feel the feels when watching this movie.

The trainers for the dogs, and the directing of them is fantastic. A plus for all the dogs who acted in the movie, and for all the trainers and pooch directors who helped to make the film. Hallstrom did a great job at using certain angles, and close-ups in order to transfer the delivery of the lines convincingly as thoughts of the dog. Some of the wide shots in the wheat fields were nicely taken too - props on cinematography.

As for the cast, they did a pretty good job. Gad was a good choice as the voice of Bailey, and I'd say Gheisar, as the 8 year old Ethan, was my favorite. He was very expressive, and the perfect companion for Bailey.

While the story isn't anything exciting, it is excusable because all the audience is concerned about, is the dog. It is pretty much a predictable story (as one can see from the trailer), but I enjoyed it well enough. The different reincarnations give people a sense of how different the lives of dogs can be. From being in a loved family, to the police service, or a neglected home; a dog's purpose - as I understand it, is determined by us humans.

Overall, this movie doesn't pretend to be anything but a fun, fluff- filled film.

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A joy to watch

This film tells the story of a dog who is adopted by a young boy, He grows up with the boy, sees changes in the family and finally passes away. He reincarnates back to Earth, and lives on as different dogs as time goes on.

"A Dog's Purpose" is a fun film because it views the world through a dog's eyes. The dog describing a kiss as an attempt to find food in another person's mouth is very funny! The film then becomes more serious, and then it becomes touching. Even though I do not have a pet and I am not a dog lover, I still find this film a joy to watch.

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